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Angel Meditation Circle

By Berry Jones, ANGEL THERAPIST® certified by Dr. Doreen Virtue

February 3, 2013

Time: 2 - 4 PM (Link for the class will be sent after registration)

Fee: $12

Blessed Beings of Earth,

You have entered the gateway of a new era of consciousness. This transition into Oneness is not easily adaptable at this time due to the inner struggle with your ego against the calling of your soul’s truth. You may feel torn between letting go or holding onto the past, and being fully present to the alignment of your higher self taking place. This is a powerful opportunity to choose the direction that you would desire most. Trust the wisdom of your soul to guide you towards the peace within you. For there are great riches awaiting you and your world. The solutions to all that causes you stress, illness, poverty, and fear reside within you. As you flow towards your truth, you open a channel for infinite abundance which has been amassing since the beginning of your soul’s journey. Seek out your passions and the purpose will come pouring into your lap with the love and good that becomes yours instantly. Trust in your gifts and allow them to be used in service to those around you. Now is the time to create peace in your world using your unique talents and gifts. Send forth your light into the world as God loves you.

Goals: This meditation is assisting with:

• the integration of our soul and body into the frequencies of Oneness

• expanding the soul’s awareness of its divine life purpose

• opening chakras to accommodate the higher bandwidth of energy in Oneness

• balance and grounding to open communication with your angels and guides

• reduce stress and manage sensitivity to the energies around you by creating sustainability of Oneness frequencies through daily meditation


• pen/notebook to take notes afterwards for reflection

• bottle of water (make sure you fully hydrated before and after the meditation)

• keep your energy clear the week of by spending time outdoors in nature and eating food that nurtures your body with energy (limit unhealthy beverages with caffeine, and alcohol , etc.)

Angel Meditation Circle Event